He Said: Today was overcast and a positively chilly mid-twenties. We got out of the house early and went Cherry picking. $2/lb, and my legal child labour crew did all the work! Can't complain there. That's one thing I've always thought I'd like - living somewhere where you could have a fruit growing in your yard. The classy fruits, not crab apples. Then we went to the beach with the zip line into the water. One of these years I need to buy a pump. Ryan did the monkey bars for the first time ever. He looked as shocked as anyone that he made it. I find this trip that I'm often trying to look back at these to see what hotel or restaurant we did and I never mention names, so I'll mention we had good pho at Bamboo Chopsticks. Go Karts in the afternoon, pizza for supper, and that was that. Still trying to figure out how to get home. We're hesitant to camp in the heat and there's not much in the way of hotels between here and home.
She Said:Blowing up two dingies was not the highlight of my day. But taking the kids out in them was fun. 28 degrees was not hot enough for the beach crowd I guess. There was hardly anyone else there. The go-kart place close to Phil's house was a dump. They had playground and mini golf course that wa in disrepair. The washroom wa in a little bungalow that also was a security office??? Gillian and I went in and were surprised not to find a dead body in there. It was creepy so we didn't use the washroom or stay to ride the go-karts. Rested at home for an hour and went to Scandia at 4:30 instead. Shelley golfed in the evening and we are pizza and visited with Phil. It's Tuesday morning now and brad is packing up the car. I'm not sure where we are headed but the heat, forest fires and possibly vacation-weariness (laziness) makes me mope that he found a hotel. I don't want to camp tonight. We shall see.