He Said: Today was a good day, mostly. We got to the beach early and ended up staying until 1 or 2 building sand castles. The kids had never done that before which is horrible, I know. Shannon bought a pail and shovel at the beach store and we were of to the races. Moats, drawbridges, the works. After that we picked up some groceries and had each kid pick out one meal they would make, which they seemed to take to. Then it was home to play games. I taught Mara and Ryan some card tricks, which was great. I used to love card tricks as a kid and it was great to be able to share that with them. Mostly just some patter and how to do the moves. Everything was going great until Ryan burned his hand on the BBQ. That was awful. He want to follow me around so much and do what I do, and he wanted to help with the burgers. I knew he was young, but I thought he could flip them. It was going so well and then one slipped and he put his other hand against the BBQ to lean forward...blech. Poor guy. He was screaming. I think he'll feel better after the settlement from the lawsuit against the homeowners comes in, though. There was no warning sign whatsoever. No "Caution - BBQ may be hot", no "Not for use by children under 6". Nothing.
Still, it was a good day and just what I needed. I've been dreading going back a little bit. I'm sure it's nothing, but the closer I get to home the closer I feel to that second cat scan. I know it's silly but I feel like I can hide out here in these moments with the kids. 4 months is a long time to think about what might happen, and I think it's just building up. Plus, just in general, I feel like I never see the kids, and I want to make the most of this.
Oh, this trip has also freed me up to be the girl drink drunk I always knew I was. I've still never developed a taste for beer. Or whiskey. Or just about any liquor. But ìn the deepest darkest corners of my soul I've always known - give me a case of Mike's Hard Lemonade or Smirnoff Ice and I will drink that sh!t all day. ALL day. Here, in the privacy of a strange home, away from any prying eyes, judging me with their y chromosomes, I realized I was free to drink. Free to live!...but only on vacay cause I get totes bloated and OMG my pants don't fit for days. It's ridic
She Said:I went for a run this morning but then felt exhausted after. Felt sleepy at the beach. Gillian pulled me around on the dingy. I seem to be getting the cold that everyone but Mara has had already. Superstore with the kids was fun. I've never said that sentence before in my life. But it was. The kids were helpful and really into picking meals. Ryan will make Kraft Dinner some time this week; Gillian is chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches; and Mara is chickpea salad (Red White and Yahoo from Eat, Shrink and Be Merry) with smokies and ketchup. Yum. Gillian made her soup and sandwiches for lunch when we got home.
Poor Ryan and his burn. First time he's ever felt that, I think. It will be fine, but it was awful knowing that we couldn't really help. I put a bandaid on it and he sat resting it on a bag of ice for the rest of the evening.